A reptile as Christmas gift?

As animal lovers we do not like to see people easily giving pets as gifts. It is a lifetime commitment and full of responsibilities.  But for those who are serious, we are happy to choose some of the most suitable ones for them to keep as pets. It also comes with the terrarium, food, and all equipment required, as well as care sheets and our professional advice.


Earlier today a very lovely parent just picked up their leopard gecko lizard terrarium (together with the nice lizard and all stuff) at JG Club. Now their lucky kid should be home getting the special Christmas surprise soon. 🙂 The lizard has been on the kid’s wish list for a loooooong time. He finally got it.

Update of this lizard 2015: http://www.jurassicgarage.hk/blog/our-gecko-went-to-a-good-home/

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