Author Archives: admin

Introducing Ajani the African tortoise


Have you met / fed this awesome gigantic tortoise in our shows?

Ajani is the alpha male of our African tortoise gang. The name Ajani comes from the African origin meaning a warrior who fights for possession and wins the struggle. As a leader, Ajani keeps the tortoise gang in order and stops other tortoises from fighting for fruits (mainly because he will grab all the juiciest fruits before anyone else) The strategy is that he will push the food to a corner and occupy the entire corner with his big fat shell so nobody else can reach the food. Remaining greedy is how they survive in the wild in an arid desert where food is scarce.

Our animals are Ebola-free


Our African animals

Ebola is spreading in Africa but we did not think it has anything to do with our animals and shows, until recently.

Due to increased concerns from customers regarding the possibilities of our animals carrying Ebola, we would like to clarify that 100% of the whole line of our current African species come to events are captive bred – they have never really been to Africa.

We do not like the idea of having wild caught animals because they might carry diseases or parasites, and it harms the wild population of the species. Captive-bred animals are more friendly, clean, and suitable for events, too.

Our animal ambassadors are carefully chosen, hand picked from a lot more animals back in our New Territories headquarter to make sure you meet the best ones of ours.

Besides, none our crew has been to Africa in the past 3 months. We will also postpone our next trip to East Africa and Madagascar. Cheers!


New party package is coming

Dear Moms and all customers,

Thank you for your support to Jurassic Garage throughout the decade – our animal parties have been very successful! And what is even more exciting, we are still growing!

To match with the growth, all current party packages will be revised in July.

And, there will be a brand new package exclusively for our VIP customers.

Stay tuned.





It’s Snake Season!

Hong Kong python

There are merely a few things that might make bungalow or house residents in Hong Kong want to rather live in an apartment . Having wild snakes hide around home is one of them we often heard from residents of the Peak, Southside, Sai Kung, Clearwater Bay and DB. It would be a drawback of a natural living environment in warm places around the world, except for New Zealanders.

Now, the snakes out there are well awake! They will remain active until end of year.

The more common snakes of Hong Kong include the non-venomous Python, Rat snakes, and the venomous Cobras, Bamboo Viper, Kraits, Coral snakes, Red-necked Keelbacks, etc

If you have encountered a snake and would like to know if it’s venomous or not, or want a species identification, feel free to send us the photos.

If you have a snake problem and would like professional advice or a check for your residence, fill in the booking form of our Snake Inspection/Removal service and schedule an inspection.



Happy new year 2014!

Our snakes, lizards, bugs, amphibians, turtles, mammals, birds and all of us at JG wish you and your family a happy new year!
Big thanks to all the big and little fans we met in 2013! Your support gave us the drive to tackle all the barriers and keep things growing. We already have new stuff and plans on mind for some even nicer reptile/fluffy parties in 2014. Yay!


A reptile as Christmas gift?

As animal lovers we do not like to see people easily giving pets as gifts. It is a lifetime commitment and full of responsibilities.  But for those who are serious, we are happy to choose some of the most suitable ones for them to keep as pets. It also comes with the terrarium, food, and all equipment required, as well as care sheets and our professional advice.


Earlier today a very lovely parent just picked up their leopard gecko lizard terrarium (together with the nice lizard and all stuff) at JG Club. Now their lucky kid should be home getting the special Christmas surprise soon. 🙂 The lizard has been on the kid’s wish list for a loooooong time. He finally got it.

Update of this lizard 2015:

JG animal presentation at Stanley Family Carnival 2013

We were proudly invited to the Stanley Family Carnival 2013.

Unloading our buddies at the Hong Kong Sea School .

 Who likes snakes? (The fun part is their parents faces off stage)

Feeling the tongue flick from a carnivorous lizard is becoming a trend.

 Tortoise feeding is the easiest experience for everyone.

 Tarantulas session

For the little or timid ones we give them an easy start with the tail.